
6 Facts About Running as a Female

Did you know that your menstrual cycle can significantly influence your running performance? From body temperature to metabolism, breathing, and even bone density, your monthly cycle can play a key role in how well you perform during your runs. Despite this, many female runners and coaches rarely consider the menstrual cycle when planning training. But as they say, you don’t know what you don’t know!

In this blog, we share six important facts about how your menstrual cycle impacts running—insights your coach or even your mother may never have told you.

1. Optimize Endurance Training When Estrogen is High

The best time to push your endurance limits is during the follicular phase of your cycle, around week 2 when estrogen levels are high. Estrogen boosts your body’s reliance on fat for fuel, preserving your muscle glycogen (carbohydrates), making it easier to tackle longer runs. If you’re looking to increase your training volume, this is the perfect time to plan your more demanding endurance sessions.

2. Take It Easy During Your Period

Conversely, the worst time for endurance performance is during your period, when progesterone is dominant. Harder workouts can feel more challenging, but that doesn’t mean you should stop running altogether. Easy runs can improve your mood and alleviate period symptoms. It's best to focus on maintaining your pace and weekly mileage during your period, or even consider reducing your intensity to allow your body some extra recovery time.


3. Estrogen: A Powerful Ally for Recovery and Bone Health

Estrogen doesn’t just help your endurance—it also plays a crucial role in muscle recovery. After strenuous exercise, estrogen reduces inflammation and stimulates muscle repair, helping you bounce back faster. Moreover, it can lower your core body temperature and protect your bones from stress fractures. This hormone is a powerful ally for female runners, providing both recovery and injury prevention benefits.

4. Watch Hydration Levels When Progesterone Peaks

As progesterone peaks during the luteal phase (weeks 3 and 4), your body’s ability to stay cool is impacted. Progesterone raises your body’s core temperature, meaning you’ll feel hotter before your body starts to sweat and cool down. This is particularly challenging on hot, humid days when cooling is essential. To avoid overheating, focus on staying hydrated, drinking water before, during, and after your run, and wearing lighter clothing to keep cool.

5. How Birth Control Can Influence Your Running

For women with heavy or irregular periods, oral contraceptives can offer more than just birth control—they can help regulate your cycle and make training more predictable. If menstrual dysfunction or menopause leads to irregular cycles, it can also affect bone health, due to the lack of estrogen. Hormonal birth control can help regulate estrogen levels, improving bone health and supporting a more consistent running schedule.

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6. Running Can Help Ease PMS Symptoms

While period-related symptoms like fatigue, bloating, cramps, and low energy might make it harder to find the motivation to run, exercise can actually be an effective treatment for PMS. Aerobic activity won’t stop PMS, but it can significantly reduce symptoms like cramps and mood swings, providing a natural remedy to ease discomfort. Sometimes, just getting out for a light run can make a world of difference in how you feel.

Embrace Your Cycle and Run Strong

Running as a woman involves more than just lacing up your shoes. From hormonal fluctuations to energy levels, your menstrual cycle is important in your body's performance. By understanding these changes, you can plan your runs and training sessions more effectively, making the most of your cycle.

Remember, you don’t need to go it alone—we have a Run Club+ just for moms like you.

Take your running to the next level with Run Club+, our 8-week guided training program for 5K, 10K, or half-marathon distance runs. Through our detailed training plans, coaching, and community support, we provide opportunities to learn and improve your running techniques. Come run with us, mama!

Ready to start running, Mama?