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Mama of the Month: Megan Garber

We are so lucky to have our March Mama of the Month, Megan Garber, in our Village! She is pure gold and a joy to be around! Megan started with FIT4MOM when she was on maternity leave, and now she is a staple weekend warrior with our Saturday morning crew. And believe us when we tell you - she's one strong mama.

Get to know Megan and her fam below :)

Tell us about your family: My husband and I have two kids, a 3yr old daughter and 15 mo old son, and two cats. My daughter joins me in class each week, calling it "Baby class," and loves to play workout instructor at home!

Hometown: Pittsburgh, PA

Currently lives in: Alpharetta

Preferred Class Location: Dunwoody, GA

Current/Previous Career: Saturdays at Avalon

Introvert or Extrovert? Introvert. I need some quiet time to recharge!

Tell us something about yourself that would surprise us: I did ballet from kindergarten-college. My love of dance led me to barre workout classes, which ignited my fitness journey as an adult.

Favorite Must-Have Baby/Kid Product: Baby doll stroller - my daughter loves taking her babies on walks with me

Favorite Food: Manicotti

How did you find FIT4MOM? While on my second maternity leave, I drove by a Dunwoody church and saw moms with strollers working out in the field. I starting searching online for the group and found Fit4Mom!

What do you love about FIT4MOM? I love that I can bring my daughter with me and she sees exercise as fun.

What does motherhood mean to you? It is the hardest, but most rewarding thing.

Megan according to her oldest:

How old is mommy? She thinks I'm 4.

What's something mommy always says to you? "I love you"

What is mommy really good at doing? Working out

Thanks, Megan!! We are so lucky to have you in our Village!

Do you have someone you'd like to nominate to be our FIT4MOM Mama of the Month? Email